Dumpster Services

Starting at $170.00 per week plus tax.
10 Yard Dumpster
12 Foot Long
7 Feet Wide
3 Foot 4.5 inches deep
New Dumpster
Starting at $210.00 per week plus tax.
15 Yard Dumpster
12 Foot Long
7 Feet Wide
4 Foot 10 inches deep
  • Dumpsters are rented out by week. Prices listed are for one week.
  • Prices increase the further we must travel out of town.
  • The dump tipping fee is a separate charge.
  • You must have a credit or debit card for us to keep on file while renting the dumpster. All numbers are destroyed at the end of service.

  • Metal
  • Electronics (televisions, computers, radios)
  • Appliances (fridges, air conditioners, microwaves)
  • Paint Cans (Must be Open and Completely Dry) no free flowing liquids allowed.
  • Recyclables need to be separated from regular waste (cardboard, drink cans, and glass bottles)

Helpful Hint - if it is going to rain, tarp the dumpster. So that when it gets to the dump you are not paying for water soaked items.

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*To ensure the security of your information, we ask that you type the code in the text box.
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